Secure Open Vote
Join us in creating the Secure Election System for the future!
Join us in creating the Secure Election System for the future!
The goal is to change to vote results on our Secure Open Vote Reporting system. The site will be made LIVE during DefCamp.
If you are successful, you MUST report HOW they were able to change the election results so that we can improve Secure Open Vote.
If successful, you have your pick of some of these sweet HAK5 Prizes!
WiFi Pineapple - LAN Turtle SD - Packet Squirrel
The Challenge is complete. Our election reporting system was attacked by the worlds greatest hackers for 4 days and none of them were able to change the vote count.
Next year we hope to have the voter registration system online!
The goal was to change to vote results on our Secure Open Vote Reporting system. The site was made LIVE during DEF CON 28.
If they were successful, they MUST report HOW they were able to change the election results so that we can improve Secure Open Vote.
If successful, they had their pick of some of these sweet HAK5 Prizes!
WiFi Pineapple - LAN Turtle SD - Packet Squirrel - USB Rubber Ducky
We look forward to seeing you all next year!
The brainchild of BiaSciLab, after attending DEF CON 26 and hacking the election reporting system, she decided something needed to be done. Working with her computer security expert friends, she started Secure Open Vote to create an easy to use election system that uses open source software and hardware as well as hand marked paper ballots.
If you would like to join us in creating the future of elections, please email us!
Donate - Your donation will help provide needed funds for hosting, development and testing of our secure open election system!